Trip Cancellation Insurance

Always be prepared.

Protect your trip

Delays and cancellations happen for all sorts of reasons, many of which are out of our control. But you can protect the investment you made in your trip from unexpected cancellations and delays with the purchase of our TravelStar® Trip Cancellation Insurance.  We’ll cover the unexpected costs of a trip cancellation, interruption, or delay so you don’t have to take a hit for something you had no control over.  

What's included?

Our TravelStar Trip Cancellation Coverage helps you feel protected even before you start your trip. In the event your trip is cancelled before your departure, you'll be covered for items such as non-refundable airfare, pre-paid travel arrangements and any cancellation penalties. In the event your trip is interrupted after leaving, you'll be covered for items like transportation to rejoin tour groups or the cost of out-of-pocket expenses during longer delays (such as meals, accommodations, telephone calls and taxi fares). Plus, if your personal belongings are delayed, lost or damaged, you’ll be covered by the baggage benefit that’s included at no extra cost with our Trip Cancellation Coverage.

Don't forget there's 10% savings on your Trip Cancellation Coverage when you bundle it with Emergency Medical Coverage!

Travel protected with TravelStar Travel Insurance.

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Insured Events

When you purchase GMS TravelStar Trip Cancellation Coverage, you'll protect the financial investment you made in your trip should an event like the following arise. 

Insured Events Event


Emergency Medical Conditions

Unexpected medical conditions that delay, prevent or interrupt your travel.


  • Complications due to your, your spouses or immediate family member's pregnancy, within the first 31 weeks, that prevents or interrupts your travel.
  • Unexpected pregnancy occurring after booking a trip which prevents your travel if the expected due date falls within 9 weeks of departure.


The death of an immediate family member, business partner, key employee, caregiver or host at your destination that prevents or interrupts your travel.

Government Advisories & Visas

  • Travel advisories issued by the Canadian Government that recommend against travel after booking your trip to your destination country where there is no global travel advisory announced or in place.
  • The non-issuance of travel visas for reasons beyond your control which prevents or delays your travel.

Employment & Occupation

  • Cancellation of a business meeting, tradeshow, convention or training course beyond your or your employer's control.
  • Your or your travelling companion's loss of employment which was not reasonably foreseeable at the time of booking the trip.

Default of a Travel Supplier

Travel services are not delivered due to the financial default of your travel supplier.

Delays, Schedule Change & Misconnections

  • Weather conditions, mechanical failure, traffic accidents, road closures, or airline schedule changes that delays, prevents or interrupts your travel.
  • The cancellation of a concert, wedding, or other event which is the sole purpose for your travel.
  • Your cruise is cancelled prior to departure due to the cruise ship experiencing mechanical failure, grounding, quarantine or repositioning due to weather.

Other Risks

Delays due to natural disasters; an act of terrorism before or after departure; hijacking or forced quarantine; jury duty or subpoena to be a witness; default of travel supplier.

The above is a summary only. Refer to the policy wording for details and information on limitations or restrictions.

Events That Are Not Covered

There are limitations and exclusions in the policy. See the details in the policy’s exclusion section. A few examples of events that are not covered are:

Events That Are Not Covered Event


Pre-existing conditions

Claims related to pre-existing medical conditions and symptoms may not be covered. You must meet the 180 day stability period defined in the policy.

Anticipated events

Circumstances or medical conditions you were aware of before booking your trip or purchasing your Trip Cancellation Plan, which may prevent or interrupt your travel, are not covered.

Global Travel Advisories

Any trip delay or interruption is not covered when you choose to travel to a destination that has a travel advisory of “Avoid non-essential travel” or “Avoid all travel” issued by the Canadian Government after you purchase the plan and it  is still in place on your departure date and then an insured risk occurs while on your trip.

Baggage Not Covered

If your baggage is lost the benefit does not cover the theft of animals, sunglasses, prescription glasses or contact lenses, jewellery, hearing aids, event tickets, hand-held electronic devices (camera or camera equipment, laptops, tablets, smart phones, cellular phones, and hand-held gaming devices), or unaccompanied baggage.

Travel Credit or Travel Voucher

Expenses related to a travel credit or travel voucher issued or offered by a travel supplier are not covered. If the credit or voucher for a trip was refused by you, it can’t be used as a reason to claim.

Make the best of a bad situation.

A delay in your trip can be both costly and frustrating. That’s why we recommend adding the Trip Delay Upgrade to your travel insurance package. With this upgrade, you can be covered for necessary and comfort items when a travel delay lasts 12 hours or more. The upgrade includes coverage for: 

  • Out-of-pocket expenses of up to $500 per day (to a maximum of $1,500) for accommodations, meals, essential telephone calls, wifi and taxi or ride sharing fares:
  • Up to $200 for you to attend a ticketed event like a movie, concert, or sporting event; and
  • The extra cost of transportation to rejoin your tour, group or trip if you haven't been returned to your province of residence because of a change in plans.

Frequently Asked Questions

Trip Cancellation plans are available to anyone provided:

  • they're a Canadian resident;
  • the plan is purchased before leaving on a trip;
  • the destination isn't under a travel advisory to avoid non-essential or all travel;
  • the plan is purchased prior to cancellation penalties being imposed; and
  • medical questions have been answered if your trip is valued over $12,000

Yes, in some provinces.

For full or partially-refundable trips, contact your travel supplier as soon as you can. Once your trip has been cancelled, you’ll need to go our Trip Cancellation & Interruption Insurance Claim page to learn what steps to follow.

Reimbursement will not be provided for trips booked through the redemption of any reward points  

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