Wellness is a big buzzword these days. There are countless websites, books and influencers who claim to know just what it’s about and how you can achieve it. At GMS, we believe in the five pillars of wellness – social, intellectual, physical, financial and mental. But just where should you start when you want to add all of this into your life? The best place is with your family!

Here are five tips to have better family wellness.

Get Going with Goals
Setting some goals for your wellness is a great way to get your health on track. And setting them as a family makes it much easier to stay focused and accountable. Make sure you set some individual goals as well as family ones. Write them down and make a plan together. Remember that you’re there to support each other on your journey!

Have Family Chats
Chats offer a way to check in on everyone’s progress on their goals and are a great way to spend some time together as a family. This is where you can see how everyone is doing, plan activities, meals and budgets, and just chat with each other about how you’re all feeling. Make it fun! Have brainstorming sessions, encourage one another and celebrate successes no matter how small they may seem.

Enjoy Eating Together
Cooking together is a great way to have fun with your whole family and also create some delicious meals! It gives you the chance to teach your kids about different cultures, nutrition, patience and even math and science. It also teaches kids healthy eating habits from a young age. It may take a bit more time than ordering in or popping something in the microwave, but it’s worth it.

Focus on Fun
Wellness isn’t all about just working out or eating well – a big part is about emotion and connections. Try some of these social activities together for fun:

  • Volunteer – you can give back to the community and have a great time
  • Have a game or movie night once a week with the whole family
  • Visit an amusement park or local festival on the weekend
  • Get outdoors and go camping or stargazing
  • Disconnect from digital distractions by turning off the phones and email

Be Active Together
Physical activity is essential in wellness as it affects not only your body but also your mind. Being active doesn’t necessarily mean you have to go hard every day running 5k or hitting the gym. Try to make physical fitness fun and for the whole family.

  • Walk after dinner
  • Go for bike ride or a hike
  • Try a yoga class together
  • Shoot some hoops or play a soccer game

The most important thing to remember is that every family is different. If you start with these tips and see what works best for your family, wellness will be part of your everyday routine.